We do not condone the use of our novelty products in misrepresenting yourself to an employer. Rather, this video simply goes to answer the timeless question of, "How do I know you are for real?".
We have heard from a number of customers that have asked if we could give them references from some of our previous customers. Sure, we would be happy to provide such references but how would you know if there were any unsatisfied customers?
We know there are a lot of sites out their that say they are good and do the best work around, but how do you really know who to trust and give your hard earned business to?
You can put your trust into one of those sites that post the letters from their customers, but how do you know they are showing you all of the letters they are getting? How about the bad letters? Or are these even real letters at all?
We won't waste your time posting so called testimonial letters, rather we will let your read for yourself what our customers are saying. Not just the good comments, but the bad ones too. That is, if there are any.
One of our recent customers told us they had posted a review about our company on a message board called "Underground Chatter". After reading through the site, we figured there would be no better place to help our customers sort through the information to find out who's good and who's not.
If you need some help deciding which company to use, or you just have a question about who does the best work, check out undergroundchatter.com We know you will read many nice things about us, but we also know, if we don't make you a happy customer, many more will read otherwise.

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